Carmignac P. Emergents: Letter from the Portfolio Managers

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24 April 2024
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+7.63%Annualised performance over 5 years compared with +2.96% for its reference indicator.
1stCarmignac Portfolio Emergents is ranked 1st quartile for performance, Sortino ratio, Sharpe ratio and information ratio within its Morningstar category (Global EM Equity) over 1 and 5 years.
100%of the companies we invest in have a positive, measurable impact through the goods and services they produce (in line with the Sustainable Development Goals)1.

Carmignac Portfolio Emergents posted a performance of +5.43% compared with +4.42% in the first quarter of 2024.

Market environment in the first quarter of 2024

Since the start of the year, emerging markets have performed well, but the spread with their developed counterparts continues to widen. Despite support from the authorities, China's economy continues to suffer from the crisis in its property sector and ongoing tensions between the US and China. Nevertheless, we have seen an improvement in certain economic indicators, such as the manufacturing PMI index, and inflation has started to rise again, halting a five-month period of deflation. Against this backdrop, some economies are doing well and benefiting from China's fragility, such as India and South Korea, whose local markets have appreciated since the start of the year. In fact, India is showing healthy growth, with its economy expected to grow by 6.5% in 2024. However, Latin American markets suffered over the period.

Performance of the fund in this context

Over the first quarter of 2024, the fund delivered a positive performance, outperforming its reference indictor MSCI EM index. The outperformance was essentially due to the choice of stocks and themes selected, despite a country allocation that should have been penalizing. The fund benefited from the increase of Tawain Semiconductor, which continued to capitalise on the artificial intelligence theme, becoming the biggest contributor to the fund's performance. The leading microchip foundry did not experience the same gains as other AI players during the uptrends, and is trading at attractive valuations. We also benefited from our position in South Korean carmaker Hyundai Motor, which saw its share price appreciate over the period due to the likely IPO of its Indian subsidiary in 2024. There were also good performances from the Mexican bank Banorte, and from New Oriental, the Chinese education company, whose earnings outlook has improved further. Despite the weakness of Latin American markets, our portfolio proved resilient. Finally, we were disappointed by our investment in Wuxi Biologics, whose share price fell because of proposed legislation in the United States aimed at banning Chinese biotechs from operating in the United States.

Outlook and positioning

We remain constructive on emerging markets for the rest of 2024. The vast emerging universe offers us many opportunities across all geographies and sectors, at attractive valuations.

In China, despite the structural problems, the government's support measures are beginning to show results. We are maintaining a significant allocation to the Chinese markets to take advantage of market inefficiencies and the growth potential of consumer companies with strong balance sheets, but whose valuations do not fully reflect their underlying fundamentals and growth prospects. Almost all the Chinese companies in our Fund are leaders in their respective sectors, with strong cash flow generation, enabling them to maintain solid margins even in the current low-growth environment. Over the quarter, we took advantage of the rebound in the Chinese markets to reduce our exposure to China.

Elsewhere in Asia, we are maintaining our strong convictions in Asian technology stocks (Taiwan Semiconductor, Samsung Electronics), which are benefiting from the trend towards artificial intelligence.

During the quarter, the fund added two new positions. Firstly, the Kazakh fintech company Kaspi. We bought Kaspi at the time of its IPO in 2020 as part of our Emerging small and mid-cap fund, which specialises in emerging and frontier market small- and mid-cap companies. This fund aims to invest more in frontier countries. This has enabled us to observe Kaspi's spectacular growth since its IPO. The company's initial success was in payment systems, making it the dominant and almost unavoidable player in payments in Kazakhstan. Taking advantage of its dominant position in payments, Kaspi then launched bank credit operations, enabling it to become the leading player in the sector ahead of the traditional banks. Finally, Kaspi launched an e-commerce business, which has also enjoyed considerable success. Despite the small size of the Kazakh economy, with a GDP of around 240 billion dollars, Kaspi now has a market capitalisation of around 25 billion dollars, or more than 10% of the country's GDP. The company is expected to grow by 20% a year over the next two years, but already generates over $2 billion in annual profits, most of which is paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends. In the past, Carmignac Emergents has always deployed capital in riskier, so-called "frontier" countries, but this has always been accompanied by in-depth economic and geopolitical research, in coordination with Carmignac's bond teams, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises such as a balance of payments crisis or capital controls. But Kazakhstan has very solid economic fundamentals, with high foreign exchange reserves and public debt at less than 25% of GDP. Helped by the soaring price of uranium, of which they have almost half the world's production, and the sustained rise in the price of oil, of which they are a major producer, Kazakhstan also appears to be politically stable, with the ruling regime having obtained implicit support from their neighbours Russia and China.

We also bought the Indian property company Macrotech Developers, increasing our exposure to the Indian market to 14% (as of 29/03/2024). Our trip to India in February reassured us about this market. The earnings growth of listed companies justifies the high valuations. After 20% growth in 2023, the coming year looks set to deliver growth in the same order of magnitude. Not only is the Indian economy growing at over 7% a year, but this growth looks healthy, with a current account deficit of just 1%, financed largely by foreign direct investment. Modi's government seems to be pro-entrepreneurs, supporting them in their investments and protecting them with taxes on imports of foreign products when these compete with local champions. In addition, most of the listed companies have successfully expanded into the Middle East, making the market more resilient to rising oil prices. Macrotech Developers is India's largest developer and has all the qualities required for inclusion in Carmignac Emergent. Firstly, it is a buoyant market, with construction expected to increase its contribution to GDP from 6% to 13% over the next 6 years. Secondly, a business model with low capital intensity, as property purchases are made off-plan with payment upstream of construction. Finally, impeccable corporate governance. The main reason for the lack of property developers in Carmignac Emergent over the past 10 years was precisely the problems of corporate governance, with the sector being embroiled in issues of corruption and financial opacity in most emerging countries. But Macrotech has a rare quality of governance and has set itself a target of carbon neutrality by 2024.

Carmignac Emergents thus started 2024 on a positive note but reduced its main geographical bets against a backdrop marked by the geopolitical risks, resulting largely from the upcoming US presidential election. The fund's main focus is therefore on stock selection, with financial health and valuations remaining key considerations, as demonstrated by our top 10 holdings, which are made up of stocks for which we have great confidence in terms of valuation. Samsung Electronics and Taiwan Semiconductor are the obvious examples, but so is Eletrobras, a Brazilian utilities company whose valuation is attractive due to predictable cash flows and automatic inflation adjustments. The fund has never been so concentrated, with 34 stocks in the portfolio, and the 10 largest positions accounting for 53% of the fund.

1Sources: Carmignac, FactSet, Alignment to UN SDGs as of 31/03/2024.

Sources: Carmignac Bloomberg, Company data, CICC, JPM Research, 31/03/2024.

Carmignac Portfolio Emergents

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Carmignac Portfolio Emergents F EUR Acc

ISIN: LU0992626480
Recommended minimum investment horizon
5 years
Risk indicator*
SFDR - Fund Classification**
Article 9

*Risk Scale from the KID (Key Information Document). Risk 1 does not mean a risk-free investment. This indicator may change over time. **The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) 2019/2088 is a European regulation that requires asset managers to classify their funds as either 'Article 8' funds, which promote environmental and social characteristics, 'Article 9' funds, which make sustainable investments with measurable objectives, or 'Article 6' funds, which do not necessarily have a sustainability objective. For more information please refer to

Main risks of the fund

Equity: The Fund may be affected by stock price variations, the scale of which is dependent on external factors, stock trading volumes or market capitalization.Emerging Markets: Operating conditions and supervision in "emerging" markets may deviate from the standards prevailing on the large international exchanges and have an impact on prices of listed instruments in which the Fund may invest.Currency: Currency risk is linked to exposure to a currency other than the Fund’s valuation currency, either through direct investment or the use of forward financial instruments.Discretionary Management: Anticipations of financial market changes made by the Management Company have a direct effect on the Fund's performance, which depends on the stocks selected.
The Fund presents a risk of loss of capital.


ISIN: LU0992626480
Entry costs
We do not charge an entry fee. 
Exit costs
We do not charge an exit fee for this product.
Management fees and other administrative or operating costs
1,32% of the value of your investment per year. This estimate is based on actual costs over the past year.
Performance fees
20,00% when the share class overperforms the Reference indicator during the performance period. It will be payable also in case the share class has overperformed the reference indicator but had a negative performance. Underperformance is clawed back for 5 years. The actual amount will vary depending on how well your investment performs. The aggregated cost estimation above includes the average over the last 5 years, or since the product creation if it is less than 5 years.
Transaction Cost
0,37% of the value of your investment per year. This is an estimate of the costs incurred when we buy and sell the investments underlying the product. The actual amount varies depending on the quantity we buy and sell.


ISIN: LU0992626480
Carmignac Portfolio Emergents6.43.91.719.8-18.225.544.9-10.3-14.39.8
Reference Indicator11.4-5.214.520.6-10.320.68.54.9-14.96.1
Carmignac Portfolio Emergents- 1.7 %+ 7.8 %+ 5.4 %
Reference Indicator+ 1.7 %+ 5.2 %+ 5.3 %

Source: Carmignac at 30 Sep 2024.
​Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Performances are net of fees (excluding possible entrance fees charged by the distributor).

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The risks, fees and ongoing charges are described in the KID (Key Information Document). The KID must be made available to the subscriber prior to subscription. The subscriber must read the KID. Investors may lose some or all their capital, as the capital in the funds are not guaranteed. The Funds present a risk of loss of capital.

The Funds’ prospectus, KIDs, NAVs and annual reports are available at, or upon request to the Management Carmignac Portfolio refers to the sub-funds of Carmignac Portfolio SICAV, an investment company under Luxembourg law, conforming to the UCITS Directive. The French investment funds (fonds communs de placement or FCP) are common funds in contractual form conforming to the UCITS or AIFM Directive under French law.

  • In France, Luxembourg, Sweden: The risks, fees and ongoing charges are described in the KID (Key Information Document). The KID must be made available to the subscriber prior to subscription. The subscriber must read the KID. Investors may lose some or all their capital, as the capital in the funds are not guaranteed. The Funds present a risk of loss of capital. The Funds’ prospectus, KIDs, NAV and annual reports are available at, or upon request to the Management.

  • In the United Kingdom: the Funds’ respective prospectuses, KIIDs and annual reports are available at, or upon request to the Management Company, or for the French Funds, at the offices of the Facilities Agent at BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES, operating through its branch in London: 55 Moorgate, London EC2R. This document was prepared by Carmignac Gestion, Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg or Carmignac UK Ltd. FP Carmignac ICVC (the “Company”) is an Investment Company with variable capital incorporated in England and Wales under registered number 839620 and is authorised by the FCA with effect from 4 April 2019 and launched on 15 May 2019. FundRock Partners Limited is the Authorised Corporate Director (the “ACD”) of the Company and is authorised and regulated by the FCA. Registered Office: Hamilton Centre, Rodney Way, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3BY, UK; Registered in England and Wales with number 4162989. Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg SA has been appointed as the Investment Manager and distributor in respect of the Company. Carmignac UK Ltd (Registered in England and Wales with number 14162894) has been appointed as a sub-Investment Manager of the Company and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FRN:984288.

  • In Switzerland: the prospectus, KIDs and annual report are available at, or through our representative in Switzerland, CACEIS (Switzerland), S.A., Route de Signy 35, CH-1260 Nyon. The paying agent is CACEIS Bank, Montrouge, Nyon Branch / Switzerland, Route de Signy 35, 1260 Nyon.

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